A Growing, Dynamic Library

Our library is in a continuous process of growth, with our dedicated editorial team adding new, expertly adapted editions every week.

Your Influence on Our Collection

If there's a particular book you'd like to see in our collection that isn't currently available, we welcome your suggestions. Teachers can conveniently request new titles by filling out the form provided below.

Committed to Timely Adaptations for Your Classroom

For schools with a paid license, we offer a special commitment: If you request a novel or play from the public domain, we will adapt and have it ready for classroom use within 4 weeks. Please note, for works exceeding 100,000 words, the turnaround time may be longer due to the extended nature of these texts.

Shaping Our Library Together

Your input is invaluable to us. It plays a significant role in helping us expand and diversify our library, ensuring that it meets the evolving needs of educators and students alike.

Have additional questions? Email us at info@adaptivereader.com

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